Lighthouse Baptist Church
An Unwavering Church in a Wavering World

How do I get to know God better?

Read His Word!
For 2025, we have a Bible Reading Schedule. If you are interested in reading along, Click Here to download the calendar!

Join the Adventure

Trail Life USA is a great safe outdoor environment for boys. We want to encourage families to Join the Adventure in Rocky Mount VA. We are praying and planning as we beging this exciting ministry in Franklin County. For more information, Click Here or visit our Facebook page

What we believe?

Not all baptist churches are created equal. Lighthouse Baptist is a small, independent baptist church. If you look at our beliefs, you will see we center on the word of God as our guide for worship and life. Click Here

Service Schedule

We have something for every age!

Links to Resources

Members Only

Social Media and Podcast Sites

Current Series

Join us as Pastor Paul takes the congregation, verse by verse through various books of the Bible. 


At Lighthouse, we come together each and every week to encourage one another in our walk with the Lord. 


We encourage our members to give genrously as an act of worship before the Lord. Click here to give online!

Monthly Memory Verse

Every month, our church family is committing to memorizing a verse of scripture. For the month of March scripture will be...

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.

Galatians 6:7

Upcoming Events

Outside our normal Sunday morning services, we encourage everyone to come out to the following events at Lighthouse Baptist Church:

Rocky Mount Bible Institute

Do you have a desire to dig deeper into God's Word? Join us for the upcoming Rocky Mount Bible Institute with Pastor Paul Parido. Sessions every Sunday evening! Click here for more information.

LBC Shepherds 

LBC Shepherds are doing a study on the book of James. All men are welcomed, we hope to see you there!

The book is available on Amazon.

Like and Follow Us on Social Media

Did you miss a service? If it was a Sunday Morning, you can find them on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or view the service on our Youtube Channel. Most services are recorded but not distributed. You can request service recordings by emailing 
